Empowering Disability Through Art, Advocacy, and Community Support.

Dear Diary Initiative Kenya is dedicated to advocating for the rights of people with disabilities, fostering empowerment through performing arts, education, and community outreach.

About the founder

Dear Diary Initiatives Kenya is a non-profit making Community Based Organization registered under the registration number 09138.

The organization founder is Miss Nafisa Khanbhai physically challenged from Birth. The title Dear Diary comes from a stage play that was scripted by Nafisa Khanbhai in the year 2006 and staged at the Little Theatre Club.

The play was based on a life of a disabled person the day to day struggles and the silent battles that they fight and many have taken it for granted.

After 7 successful shows the story highlighted in the medias and having got a positive response from the public it being an Eye opener for many in the year 2011 Dear Diary turned into an organization that started off as a Self Help Group and later became a Community Based Organization.

The Founder herself has been doing community service for the past 30 years. Nafisa Khanbhai started off doing community service by Joining Leo Club of Mombasa and there after Rotaract Club of Mombasa. Nafisa Khanbhai has also been part of Innerwheel Club of Mombasa and has served as a president in all the organizations.

Dear Diary Initiatives Kenya has many members and volunteers and is recognized by many international organizations.

Our Partners

Our Mission

To empower people living with disabilities in Kenya through education, art, community development and advocating for their rights & needs. To inspire and support people with disabilities to reach their full potential

Our Values

• Dignity • Equity • Sustainability • Inspiration • Innovation • Partnership

Our Vision

A Kenya where people with disabilities are fully included and empowered, enjoying equal rights, opportunities, and a high quality of life. A world where individuals won’t be judged by their physical appearance but by the content of their character.

Recent Events

Check Our Upcoming Events

The Founder of Dear Diary Initiatives Kenya has been honoured with a Doctorate Award.

Taita Hills Hike

Join us for a fun filled adventure at Taita Hills

Exiting Hike At Vuria Hills - Taita

After the success of the 1st Edition we now bring the 2nd edition of the HIKE to Vuria Hills on 2nd February. Join us for a fun filled day.

Art Competition

Art Competition if you have children that are talented this is their chance to showcase their talent.
Register now event is on 5th October

Walk in the Wild

Join us for an unforgettable adventure as we embark on Walk The Wild II, a 4-day, 3-night journey through the stunning landscapes of Tsavo East. From 1st to 4th August 2024, immerse yourself in nature and take part in activities that make a difference!

Recent Causes


Talk on Mental Health and holistic healing

Kenya Ostomy Association, Coast Hospice organized a mental health talk. The speaker was Kiran Kaur from UK.
She gave a talk on how nature has healing power how our thoughts create our day to day life more about Reiki Healing about the various precious stones and what they mean a talk that would help the youths to understand how to be mentally stable during crisis and always see a positive side of everything.

At Al Hikma Madressa in Chanagande

Sunday 5th January a day well spent at Al Hikma madressa in Chanagande where by Dear Diary Initiatives Kenya donated reusabled pads to almost 15 girls and the young ones were not left out they got soft toys. Alhamdulillah and we appreciate those that keep donating to such noble causes.

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Very well done. Keep up with rewarding work Any one can do anything not thinking of their condition. May Allah look upon you and give strength